CRC Network

The Augusta Community Resource Centre (Augusta CRC) was formed in 1995 by a community committee with the support of the WA Telecentre network. It is a not for profit, community managed organisation servicing the regional community of Augusta and surrounding small hamlets. The Augusta Community Resource Centre is part of a network of 107 Community Resource Centres located in small rural communities in WA.

Community Resource Centres work at the heart of communities, assisting many thousands of individuals, and contributing to improvements in public health and local community development. They offer and provide activities, programs and services that support the objectives of social inclusion and address a multitude of factors that can lead to social exclusion.

The Augusta CRC plays an important role in keeping residents of Augusta and Districts up-to-date with happenings and achievements in the local community.

Our variety of workshops, community services, support services and training allows us to stay connected to various community residents and groups on a regular basis and hence find out what the community needs and wants are. We are continuously reviewing our events and services to ensure we are inclusive to all in the community and build on these relationships.

What we do

Access to government services

Economic and business development support

Social development support

Services and products

Building community connections

The Augusta CRC delivers a range of services and programs ranging from training courses; computer courses for seniors, fee for service activities such as leaflet design and folding, photocopying, videoconferencing, facility hire and  internet access